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TJJC Kids Camps!

March Break Camp 2025 is a Kids Performance camp for kids and youth members or visitors to improve on advanced/competition techniques. We will run 2 daily sessions on jiu-jitsu and grappling topics sure to elevate their level, as well as include plenty of outdoor time. We will talk to them about habits they can implement to improve on and off the mats, Black Belt mentalities, and what it means to be a competitor.

Click on the camp of interest to register:

March Break Competition Skills - March 10th to 14th

Summer Skills Camp - July 14th to 18th, July 28th to August 1st, or August 11th to 15th

Summer Self Defence and BJJ Basics Camp - July 21st to 25th, or August 4th to August 8th

Be sure to register for the correct week that works for you, and if you do not see a discount field for the Early Bird discounts (below) email us to ask about them!

Early Bird Discounts available!
MARCHBREAKEB gets 15% off until February 12th, and SUMMERCAMPEB gets 15% off until March 15th - and yes! They stack with our Family Discounts, which are 10% for the second family member, 15% for the third etc.
Our Summer Camps registration is now live! 5 weeks of camp, 3 focused on jiu-jitsu performance and improving their skills, and 2 weeks more oriented to self defence (co-ed) and an intro to/basics of Jiu-Jitsu.

*If you're a current member, you will find it in your member portal!*

Be sure to input your discount code on the left hand side of the Membership section.

MARCHBREAKEB gets 15% off until February 12th, and SUMMERCAMPEB gets 15% off until March 15th - and yes! They stack with our Family Discounts, which are 10% for the second family member, 15% for the third etc.

Your children will become more confident, improve their fitness levels and strength, meet new friends and build skills they can keep forever by starting with our kids camps. Our goal is to show how cool martial arts and grappling sports are, how important they are for growing kids, and introduce positive lifestyle habits to them in a fun new way.

Our camps are designed to make sure your children will have fun all while getting the above benefits, and to build their interest in learning to grapple and improve their self defence over the long term. Although that's our goal, if they never try it again, we know they'll still leave with lots of useful tools and new friends.

If you would like more information, please reach out! The best way to reach us is by email, to

Start Your Trial!

Start Your Trial!

It's our honour to have you and/or your kids try jiujitsu, judo & all of our grappling programs with us, and we do not take it lightly. To best serve you and to make sure you're ready to hop straight into class when you arrive, please fill out the information below as well as our Liability Waiver. See you on the mats!

See you soon!